Please note:
To be the legal personal representative of a deceased member, you must be named on the grant of probate, letters of administration or the member’s will.
We must already have been provided with a copy of the death certificate and evidence of your capacity as legal personal representative. If this isn’t the case, you are unable to use this service at present.
This application for a Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate from Civil Service Pensions should be the only application submitted for the member, in respect of any scheme.
Before proceeding, gather the information outlined on the information sheet from each other scheme where the member is known to have received benefits.
If the member has only received benefits from the Civil Service Pension Scheme, indicate this later in your application.
It is your responsibility to ensure all information from other schemes is accurate before submission, including any details regarding Lifetime Allowance protection the member may have used.
If you submit an application and find your evidence is incomplete or inaccurate, notify us immediately. We will cancel your application, and you will need to start again.
If you discover any inaccuracies in the evidence you've submitted, any issued Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate will become invalid and you'll need to reapply. This includes any changes to the member’s Civil Service Pension Scheme benefits resulting from the Remedy exercise.