HMRC Public Service Pension Adjustment Service

Once you have received you Remedy PSS, you will need to use the HMRC Public Service Pension Adjustment Calculator to check your tax liability in the past tax years it covers from 2015/2016 to 2022/2023 (inclusive). 

HMRC has provided guidance about its Public Sector Pension Adjustment Service as well as access to the calculator you will need to input the Pension Input Amounts from your Remedy Pension Savings Statement (PSS). 

As you can ‘carry forward’ any unused Annual Allowance from the previous three years for any Pension Input period, and the first year of the Remedy period was 2015/2016, your Remedy PSS also includes the Pension Input Amount figures for the 2012/2013 to 2014/2015 tax years for these purposes.  

HMRC’s Pension Adjustment calculator will also require data for 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to be inputted. Although you may have previously received different values for these years, these values have been deliberately set as £0.00 on your statement, and you should input these £0.00 values into the calculator when you come to use it. 

Please note that when you use the HMRC’s Public Service Pension Adjustment Calculator it may ask you to enter your Threshold Income and Adjusted Income. MyCSP is unable to assist you with these figures, as they relate to your income from all sources. Further details of how these figures are calculated is available on

If you need any help with using the calculator, please contact HMRC: 

Call: 0300 123 1079 and select Option 1 

If the Public Service Pension Adjustment Calculator is unavailable and you are unable to wait until it is, you can make a submission to HMRC by email. Please use the email address above and ensure you put ‘PSPR submission request’ in the subject line.  


Your Remedy PSS Explained

Your Remedy PSS provides Pension Input Amounts (PIAs) relating to the Remedy period (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022) and the 2022/2023 tax year for both the: 

  • Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) (comprised of all Legacy schemes - classic, classic plus, premium and nuvos); and  
  • alpha (the reformed scheme for all new contributions since 1 April 2022). 

It provides revised pension input figures, which reflect your benefits having been rolled back from alpha into your Legacy scheme for the Remedy period.  

If you had transfers in or added pension to the alpha scheme over the Remedy period these benefits have not been rolled back and will still be reflected in the alpha scheme figures. 

Any Scheme Pays debits or EPA Pension accruals over the Remedy period have not been included in the PIAs as this information is not needed to calculate and address any potential change in tax liability.  

You’ll find further information about your Remedy PSS and what you’ll need to do in our Remedy PSS Guide and Your Remedy PSS Explained video.

Further support

Pension Tax Awareness Sessions run by a tax expert are also available for any members who’ve received a Remedy PSS to attend.  

A Group Tax Awareness session will help give members a better understanding of what the information in their Remedy PSS means. Then, One-to-One sessions are available for those who feel they need further support, for example, if a member has determined they have a tax charge to pay and/or a change to their tax position as a result of the 2015 Remedy.

There will be a cost to attend these sessions, which may be met by your employer. Please check whether your employer is providing this further support and ensure you have approval to attend a course before booking your place. Where employers are not providing this support, or, if a course is booked without approval, then members will still be able to attend sessions, but will need to fund the cost themselves.

You may also decide to seek advice from alternate sources.

Update your details

If any of the personal details shown on your Remedy PSS have changed or are incorrect, please inform your HR department or Shared Service provider, so they can check and if appropriate, amend your HR record and your pension record. You can also use the Pension Portal to amend or update your address details.

Using Scheme Pays

Find out about using Scheme Pays to handle any tax charge or reimbursement relating to the Pension Input Periods covered in your Remedy Pensions Savings Statement (Remedy PSS).

31 July 2024
Last updated:
15 October 2024