If you joined the Civil Service Pension Scheme after 31 March 2012, but were a member of another public service pension scheme on or before 31 March 2012, your Civil Service Pension could be affected by the 2015 Remedy.

You might be affected by the 20​​​​15 Remedy if you were a member of the main public service pension schemes and in service on or before 31 March 2012 and on or after 1 April 2015, including those with a qualifying break in service of less than 5 years.

Jobs covered by eligible UK public service pensions schemes include:

  • civil servants; 
  • the judiciary; 
  • local government workers for England, Wales and Scotland; 
  • teachers for England, Wales and Scotland; 
  • health service workers for England, Wales and Scotland; 
  • fire and rescue workers for England, Wales and Scotland; 
  • members of police forces for England, Wales and Scotland; 
  • the armed forces. 

You can find a further information on Existing Public Body Pension Schemes (schemes covered by transitional protection provisions in addition to main public service schemes)  on our Scheme Rules page.