If you leave employment in the Civil Service, you can request to transfer your Civil Service pension out to another pension provider.

  • If you leave the Civil Service with less than 2 years’ service, we’ll send you a quote showing your transfer value. You have a limited time period to request a transfer. If you don't return your transfer request form before the deadline shown on the quote letter, we'll refund your your pension contributions.
  • If you leave the Civil Service with more than 2 years’ service, you, or your new pension provider can contact us to request a transfer quote. Transfer restrictions may apply.

What’s included in your transfer value

Any Added Pension or EPA that you were buying will be included in your transfer value.

Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (CSAVCS) will not be included in your transfer value. This is separate and you will have to request a separate transfer from your CSAVCS provider.

Step by step guide to requesting to transfer your pension out

Speak to your new pension provider to request a transfer. Your new pension provider will then contact us to start the transfer process. 

3 weeks later we will send a transfer out quotation and forms to either you or your new pension administrator, depending on who has requested it. The transfer amount will be guaranteed for 3 months.

You should pass the details to your new pension provider. They will then confirm how much the transfer out value will buy in your new pension scheme.

If you want to go ahead with the transfer, complete the forms that were sent to you with your transfer quote.

Your new pension provider will complete the relevant section of the discharge form and return it to us.

After receiving your forms, we will review the transfer and pay it to your new pension provider.

27 July 2022
Last updated:
18 June 2024