Active newsletter: read it now

The newsletter is being distributed alongside Annual Benefit Statements between July and August, but you can get access directly via the scheme website now. 

In this edition of Pensions News, you’ll find: 

  • An introduction from Civil Service Reward Director, Simon Claydon 
  • Information about both Annual Benefit Statements and Pension Saving Statements, including the impact the 2015 Remedy is having on both this year 
  • Details on how to take part in the annual Member Engagement Survey 
  • A preview of what’s coming in 2024 including early access to Pension Awareness Week 

Member Engagement Survey: Have your say

The 2023/24 Member Engagement Survey offers you the opportunity to share how you feel about your pension scheme.  

Your input will help shape the scheme’s communications and engagement approach for 2025. 

We’re offering participants the opportunity to take part in a £100 prize draw too. Get access via the Active newsletter or directly via SmartSurvey below