Any active or deferred member of the scheme, who is impacted by 2015 Remedy (McCloud) and has not yet retired, can now access an initial assessment* of how they might be affected financially for the period of 1 April 2015 - 31 March 2022.

Whilst we can’t tell you just yet what your benefits will look like under both schemes for this period (active members will receive this information in their Annual Benefits Statement next year), we hope this initial assessment as to the likely benefits comparison will be helpful to you.


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Are you affected by the 2015 Remedy (McCloud)?

Over 400,000 current and former Civil Servants are affected by the 2015 Remedy. Are you one of them?

Use the 2015 Remedy 'Am I Affected?' tool to find out now.


For more information on 2015 Remedy (McCloud) visit: 2015 Remedy (McCloud)

*Please note that the figures provided are for illustrative purposes only and are not specific to you as an individual or have any bearing on your future personal calculations. The illustration focuses on the 7-year 2015 Remedy (McCloud) period, providing an initial assessment as to your likely benefits comparison. Your final bespoke information and calculations will be provided to you when it is time to make your choice. The Remedy Benefits Illustrator tool is not suitable for retired or partially retired members.