The quickest way to submit your request is by using the form below. However, if you'd prefer to print out and return this form by post, you can download the postal version.

Before completing this form, please review the current scheme pays deadline dates. Any application received outside the above dates will still be processed but payment by HMRC’s deadlines cannot be guaranteed.

Tax is your responsibility. If you’re liable to pay any Annual Allowance tax charge, you should follow HMRC’s guidelines for calculating, declaring and paying any tax due.

Personal Details 1

Your personal details

Personal Details 2
Personal Details Choices
Scheme Pays introduction

Your Scheme Pays information

Using your answers, we’ll check your eligibility for Scheme Pays. If you’re eligible,
we’ll provide you with a quote showing the permanent effect Scheme Pays could have on your Civil
Service pension benefits

Scheme Pays information

This is NOT the ‘Amount on which tax is due’ as shown on the results using the online HMRC calculator; it is the tax charge based on that amount. You need to calculate the charge at your marginal tax rate.

Split tax charge

If you’re subject to a tapered Annual Allowance, only part of your tax charge can be on a Mandatory basis. If you have missed the 31st January deadline, you may wish to split your tax charge into Voluntary and Mandatory, as Mandatory has a later payment deadline (please see front of form). We cannot assist you with this calculation.

See for further details.

Split tax charge 2
Your declaration

Your declaration

3 May 2023
Last updated:
13 October 2023