We're back for a second season of the podcast, helping you get to grips with your Civil Service Pension and make more informed decisions about your future.

The second series explores the Civil Service Pension Scheme in detail, bringing everything back to basics to understand why this scheme is one of the best in the UK public sector. 

With each episode featuring expert guests and members of the scheme, there's something for everyone.

You can stream or download all episodes on Spotify, Google and Apple podcasts. Don't forget to follow or subscribe, so you never miss an episode. You can also leave us a review to tell us what you think of it so far.

Csp Podcast Season 2 Big

Catch up on Season 2

The cost-of-living and your pension

Season 2, Episode 1

We discuss how the cost-of-living can affect your pension, and what you can do to protect your financial future.

Minisode: Sneak preview of Mary's retirement story

Minisode: Sneak preview of Mary's retirement story

Season 2, Minisode 1

In this preview of next week's full episode, Mary tells us about her life after taking a step back from work, whilst continuing to do a job she loves on her own terms. 

Retirement on my terms: Mary's story

Season 2, Episode 2

In this episode, we chat to Mary, who decided to take partial retirement after a fulfilling career in the DVSA.

Minisode: 2015 Remedy (McCloud) explained

Season 2, Minisode 2

Ian Korner, Civil Service Pensions Policy Lead talks about this important topic, what it is, how it works and if you could be affected.

It's never too late to start planning for retirement

Season 2, Episode 3

We often say it’s never too early to start thinking about your retirement, but what if you’re coming to it later in life?

A quick guide to your ABS

Season 2, Minisode 3

Every year, we issue Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) to active members of the scheme.

We are what we do

Season 2, Episode 4

It’s often the first question we ask when we meet someone new, and it can tell a lot about who they are… or can it? 

Sneak preview of Gerald's retirement story

Season 2, Minisode 4

In this minisode, we share a sneak preview of our conversation with Gerald, who took ill health retirement after a long career in HMRC.  

Leaving work behind for your health: Gerald’s story

Season 2, Episode 5

After 45 years working in HMRC, Gerald had big plans for his retirement. But those plans were turned upside down, when health issues rendered him too ill to work.  

6 things to kick start your retirement planning

Season 2, Minisode 6

In this minisode, Cathryn Murray, Training & Engagement Manager, shares the 6 things you can do to kick-start your retirement planning. 

What are our members saying about pensions?

Season 2, Episode 6

In our final full-length episode of this season, Rob & Emily chat to Sarj Wheelwright, Engagement Manager for Civil Service & Royal Mail Pensions about what our members are saying about pensions and this scheme.

Can someone steal a pension?

Season 2, Minisode 6

In our final minisode of Season 2, Liz Scully, Risk & Control Director, joins us to talk about pension fraud. What is it? How does it happen and can someone really steal your pension?

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3 September 2024
Last updated:
15 January 2025