Our brand-new podcast takes things back to basics, helping you get to grips with your Civil Service Pension and make more informed decisions about your future.

The first series explores the Civil Service Pension Scheme in detail, bringing everything back to basics to understand why this scheme is one of the best in the UK public sector. 

With each episode featuring expert guests and members of the scheme, there's something for everyone.

You can stream or download all episodes on Spotify, Google and Apple podcasts. Don't forget to follow or subscribe, so you never miss an episode. You can also leave us a review to tell us what you think of it so far.

Csp Podcast Season 1 Big

Catch up on Season 1

Pensions 101 - what's so good about the Civil Service pension?

Pensions 101 - what's so good about the Civil Service pension?

Episode 1

No question is too small as we explore pensions and this scheme in plain-English, without jargon.

Living your best life in retirement - how Linda's post-work years are among her best yet

Living your best life in retirement - how Linda's post-work years are among her best yet

Episode 2

From unconscious bias to thermal underwear, this episode is guaranteed to leave you thinking about your financial future in a different way.

The Gender Pension Gap - could women be facing an unbalanced future?

The Gender Pension Gap - could women be facing an unbalanced future?

Episode 3

A look at why half the UK's population face an unequal and unbalanced future in retirement.

Why should you care about your pension in your 30s?

Why should you care about your pension in your 30s?

Episode 4

We chat to James, a member in his 30s, about why it's never too early to start thinking about the future.

Leaving the Civil Service or opting out of your pension - what does it mean for your future?

Leaving the Civil Service or opting out of your pension - what does it mean for your future?

Episode 5

Everything you need to know if you're thinking of leaving the scheme.

Kids, marriage, divorce and more - how key life events affect your pension

Kids, marriage, divorce and more - how key life events affect your pension

Episode 6

We talk through key moments in work and life, and what they can mean for your pension.

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3 September 2024
Last updated:
15 January 2025