Your Civil Service pension: A passport to your passions

After your salary, your pension is one of your biggest employment benefits.

It provides you with financial security and options when you retire, as well as benefits for your family and loved ones.

When you join the Civil Service you get access to the alpha pension with generous employer contributions and some of the lowest member contributions in the public sector.

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Learn more about the alpha scheme

Find out all you need to know about alpha in the scheme guide or see a side by side comparison with the partnership scheme.

Alpha Scheme Logo

2015 Remedy (McCloud)

In 2015 the government introduced reforms to public service pensions. Most public sector workers were moved into a new pension scheme called ‘alpha.’

In 2018, the Court of Appeal found that some of the rules put in place back in 2015 to protect older workers by allowing them to remain in their original scheme, were discriminatory.

As a result, steps are being taken to remedy those 2015 reforms. This known as the 2015 Remedy.

Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)

Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)

Learn more about your ABS and how to access it

Access the Pension Portal

Access the Pension Portal

If you're ready to start taking control of your pension, the best place to do that is via your online account.



Learn more about Live@Lunch and catch up on previous events

Pension Power training

Pension Power training

Get free access to the experts and get to grips with the detail about your pension

Pensions News

Pension News

Find the latest update from the scheme for active members like you

Podcast coming soon!

Podcast coming soon!

Our brand new Civil Service Pensions podcast is coming soon - you'll be able to find it on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Stay updated

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30 May 2022
Last updated:
30 May 2023