If you're a pensioner or current member of the scheme, the Pension Portal can help you manage your pension online, at any time on any device.
This handy step by step guide details the information you need to get access to your account.
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Get detailed information about your pension in our scheme guides. As of 1 April 2022, all members of the Civil Service Pension Scheme will be in the alpha scheme but any service in legacy schemes like classic, classic plus, premium and nuvos will be preserved.
Our Live@Lunch webinars are for people hungry to know more about their pension. Hosted by pensions experts, Live@Lunch sessions offer an opportunity for you to ask our experts any burning questions you may have.
In 2015 the government introduced reforms to public service pensions. Most public sector workers were moved into a new pension scheme called ‘alpha.’
In 2018, the Court of Appeal found that some of the rules put in place back in 2015 to protect older workers by allowing them to remain in their original scheme, were discriminatory on the basis of age.
As a result, steps are being taken to remedy those 2015 reforms.