Meet the ERM Team

Get to know the team who works with Civil Service employers to help them to meet their obligations under the scheme rules and find out who your dedicated Employer Relationship Manager is.

How Can We Help V2

Key ERM team objectives

  1. Create and share employer MI reports identifying their performance in the Civil Service Pension Scheme.
  2. Use business intelligence to identify where performance is below expectation(s), and then identify the root cause and work with the employer(s) to fix it. Or, where performance is above and beyond expectations, share this as best practice with other employers.
  3. Proactively analyse data and information to provide valuable new insight to employers.
  4. Identify opportunities from business intelligence to deliver continuous improvement.
  5. Visibility for employers via face to face meetings, webinar and telephone contact, review performance, proactive engagement and collaborative working, to achieve success. 
  6. Identify Employer knowledge gaps and build expertise (using business intelligence).
  7. Facilitate change to address pain points through the Employer journey and moments that matter.

Stay on top of rules and processes with the EAG

We encourage employer representatives to register and complete our online Employer Administration Guidance modules for an overview of scheme rules and processes, designed with the employer in mind. 

Get in touch with the ERM team

We’re always looking to understand how we can continue to assist you as employers in your day to day role delivering the Civil Service Pension Scheme to your members. With that in mind, we welcome your feedback, through completion of this quick online survey

17 December 2021
Last updated:
27 June 2024