Civil Service Pensions Employer Hub
Support for Civil Service Employers
Support for Civil Service Employers
Find the latest EPNs or if you know the number of the EPN you need - enter the number here to go straight to it.
The Employer Pension Guide (EPG) tells you what you, as an employer, need to know about Civil Service pension arrangements, and your responsibilities in delivering the arrangements to your staff.
Get up to date information about meeting your responsibilities as a Civil Service Employer including:
New: scheme calendar
Stay up to date with the latest events and key milestones in the scheme year with the brand new, all digital scheme year calendar.
The Employer Relationship Management (ERM) team work with Civil Service employers to help them to meet their obligations under the scheme rules. Learn more about the team and find out who your Employer Relationship Manager is.
1. Check the EPG
First step is to check the Employer Pension Guide (EPG), this contains lots of useful information on what employers need to know about the scheme and your responsibilities to members.
2. Direct members to the scheme website
Advise the member to take a look at the scheme website which contains lots of useful content about the scheme which may be able to help them.
3. Direct members to the contact form
If the member hasn’t been able to get answers from the scheme website, you can direct them to the scheme contact form, which they can use to contact the scheme directly.
4. Call the employer line for assistance
If you’ve tried all these options and want to contact the scheme on a member's behalf, your first port of call should be to call the employer line on 0300 123 1040. You’ll be able to get help with a range of technical and non-technical queries from our team via this number.
Please contact the employer line on 0300 123 1040.
You’ll also be able to get help with a range of technical and non-technical queries from our team via this number.
Please contact the employer line on 0300 123 1040.
Please contact the ERM team.
Please contact the employer line on 0300 123 1040. You’ll be able to get help with a range of technical and non-technical queries from our team via this number.
1. Check the scheme website
Review the dedicated Civil Service Compensation Scheme page on the website, which provides full information on the process employers need to follow to set up a new scheme.
2. Review the ‘What to Expect Guide’
This guide provides an overview of the exit scheme process and timescales
3. Commissioning an Exit Scheme
To commission a new scheme please get in touch.
4. Raise a question to our Exit Team
If the above information does provide an answer to your question, you can contact the team
Your Interface Analyst is on hand to support you on any queries relating to Interfaces. If you don’t have the details of your dedicated analyst please get in touch.
Please contact the employer line on 0300 123 1040.
Please contact the ERM team.
For any other queries not covered on this page: