Monthly Interface
Employers use the Monthly Interface to send essential contribution, salary and other scheme data to the Scheme Administrator each month.
Employers use the Monthly Interface to send essential contribution, salary and other scheme data to the Scheme Administrator each month.
There are two types of interface files you can use:
The Monthly Interface is used by the Scheme Administrator to validate the data that you send to the Scheme.
It is your responsibility to provide accurate and timely data to the Scheme Administrator.
A Standard interface file consists of 21 different text files containing different record types, for example, salary, allowance or bonus files.
A Manual interface file is a single Excel spreadsheet and is only to be used for monthly submissions by employers with fewer than 100 employees. Exceptions may be considered by the Scheme Administrator on request.
When a record fails a data validation check, we will report it to you as a Data Validation Failure (DVF) on a Data Validation Report (DVR).
There are two types of DVFs:
All Errors and Warnings need to be reviewed and any corrections or confirmations submitted to the Scheme Administrator ahead of your next monthly interface submission.
Regardless of the interface type used, you need to ensure that any data corrections or confirmations returned to the Scheme Administrator are also reflected in your source payroll data.
This will prevent Errors and Warnings being repeated in subsequent interface files.
The Monthly Interface is governed by a set of compliance measures. Their purpose is to help you to improve the timeliness and quality of monthly data submissions by clearly outlining what we expect of you and reporting to you on how you are performing.
The headline performance measures and targets are as follows:
We will monitor your performance against the measures and targets. Where you are unable to meet these targets, we will offer guidance and support and if necessary, ask you to provide a plan to improve your performance. However, further escalation through Cabinet Office may be required where performance does not improve.
We have made a number of enhancements to the Monthly Interface process to improve the validation of your data and help you to reduce data errors. These enhancements went live in January 2018, ready for the December Interface.
The enhancements will not change the structure of the interface file you use, or the way you currently submit your data.
We have increased the number of data validation checks provided in the Monthly Interface. This will help you to correct more of your data in month and reduce queries from the Scheme Administrator. If you are using the Standard or Manual interface you will benefit from the following enhancements:
Together, the enhancements will help to improve the quality of data the scheme holds for its members and in turn, improve member experience.