Who is this page for?

This page is for staff involved in the preparation of the Annual Assurance questionnaire.

It will be of particular interest to:

  • Accounting Officers (AOs)
  • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
  • Finance Directors
  • Finance Managers
  • Pension Leads

Step-by-step guide to completing and submitting the Annual Assurance Statement (AAS)

Read the pop-up guidance on the AAS questionnaire as you answer the questions.

You can find further assistance on answering the questions in the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Complete the Declaration section of the AAS - your organisation’s AO (if you are a Civil Service employer) or CEO (if you are a New Fair Deal employer) will need to do this.

Sign the Declaration section with either a wet (handwritten) or electronic signature. If you are not providing a wet signature, please include an email from your CEO/AO to show they have agreed to the contents of the questionnaire.

Send the signed Declaration electronically, along with the completed AAS to AAS2024@mycsp.co.uk by Wednesday 17 July 2024.

When submitting your AAS, please note:

  • We will not accept an incomplete AAS
  • Your AAS will be marked as late if provided after Wednesday 17 July 2024
  • You must include your organisation’s name in the AAS and Declaration file names.

 If you have not received your AAS by Wednesday 17 July 2024, please contact us at AAS2024@mycsp.co.uk

Further information


Frequently asked questions

The Scheme Administrator will send the questionnaire to the individual(s) in your organisation who will complete the Annual Assurance Statement, via email.

You can request a copy of the non-macro-enabled AAS questionnaire by emailing AAS2024@mycsp.co.uk

Alternatively, if you use a secure transfer method (for example, Egress or Connect), let us know and we will upload your questionnaire using this method.

  1. Check your spam/junk folders.
  2. If you still don’t have it, read this year’s AAS EPN to see when the deadline was to receive your AAS questionnaire. If the deadline has passed, you can request another AAS questionnaire by emailing AAS2024@mycsp.co.uk


Please see this year’s AAS EPN. 

This year’s deadline is Wednesday 17 July 2024

Contact the Scheme Administrator at AAS2024@mycsp.co.uk. They will contact the Scheme Manager (Cabinet Office) on your behalf to agree an extension.

No, but pop-ups containing additional information are embedded in the AAS to help you complete it.

Your organisation’s Accounting Officer (AO) (if you are a Civil Service employer) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (if you are a New Fair Deal employer).

If your organisation is not listed, select “Other (not listed below)” and add your organisation’s name in the field below.

Please let MyCSP know of any changes, and they will add/delete them for next year’s questionnaire.

If you are using the macro-enabled version, answer “yes” to Q1b and then add the name(s) in the rows that appear.

If you are using the non-macro version, answer “yes” and add the name(s) in the rows below.

a) Answer “no” to the question, then detail the reasons why and the proposed corrective actions.

b+c) Please consult with your Payroll Team if you are in doubt as to the pensionable status of a pay element.

d) You will have needed Cabinet Office approval to set up a new pensionable allowance. Your Payroll Team should be able to help.

  1. Please answer “no” and provide details of the issue, when it was noticed, and how it is being corrected with the provider.

  2. Please refer to EPN 576 and Section 5.13 of the EPG.


  1. No. If you use a full interface, only a submission within the agreed timescale applies. Please answer “no” and state “full interface” as the reason.

    If your submission is not compliant, please answer “no” and give details of how you plan to address any errors and warnings.

  2. Please answer “no” and give details of the method you are currently using, as well as the steps you are taking to move to an approved method as soon as possible.

If you need more information, please refer to the Employer Pension Guide - Section 8 for information on Compendia payroll and data responsibilities.

Please refer to EPN 655 for information on data interface transfer methods.

  1. Please refer to the Employer Pension Guide, Section 2: CSPS Stakeholder Charter

  2. Please refer to EPN 684 for further information on Employer   Administration Guidance Online Modules.

    If you have not completed all the modules, please explain why, and when this will be completed.

  1. As a government department, you may have applied to the Cabinet Office to be the sponsor of an arm’s length public body (e.g., outsourcing services and TUPE transfers).

  2. Please confirm that you have supplied Cabinet Office with a list of all eligible employees as at 31 March 2021, and you have agreed to indemnify the Minister and Cabinet Office for any losses arising from ineligible members.

Refer to the list of the NFD employers for more information.

  1. The “Transition period” is the next 2/3 years before the pension provider is switched from MyCSP to Capita.

    Please tell us about and concerns or issues you may have.

  2. A “Machinery of Government” change is when one or more Government Department is created, closed, merged, changes its name, or is split into new organisations.

    Please let us know if you have any such changes planned in the next year if it will affect your status as a Civil Service Pensions employer.
25 May 2022
Last updated:
31 May 2024