Supporting new staff

Your responsibilities when staff join

Your responsibilities when staff join

EPG section 4

Detailed guidance on your responsibilities for new joiners and re-joiners in the Employer Pension Guide. 

Recruitment and Eligibility

Recruitment and Eligibility

More guidance

Information and guidance for onboarding new starters and re-joiners.

Supporting staff in service

Section 5 of the Employer Pension Guide (EPG) details your responsibilities as an employer when staff are in service.


Supporting staff who leave

Partial Retirement

Partial Retirement

Partial retirement allows members, who are approaching, or are over scheme pension age, to reshape their job and take some or their entire pension while they carry on working. Get help and guidance for processing Partial Retirement cases.

Scheme Medical Adviser

Scheme Medical Adviser

Certain scheme provisions, such as Ill Health Retirement, require medical advice. The exclusive provider of scheme medical advice is, currently, Health Management Limited. Get contact details, guidance and forms for Ill Health Retirement cases.

Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS)

Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS)

Information about planning Exit Schemes as well as relevant forms, calculators and information about CSCS.

Your responsibilities when staff leave before pension age

EPG Section 6

Get detailed guidance on your responsibilities for staff who leave before they reach pension age in the Employer Pension Guide. 

Your responsibilities when staff leave at or after pension age

EPG Section 7

Detailed guidance on your responsibilities for staff who leave at or after pension age in the Employer Pension Guide. 

Scheme Contribution rates

Get the most up to date employer and member contribution rates for both alpha and partnership schemes and see past contribution rates.

Monthly Interface

Employers use the Monthly Interface to send essential contribution, salary and other scheme data to the Scheme Administrator each month. Use this resource to understand the process, errors and warnings, how we measure interface performance and how to get help with your interface.

Annual Assurance Statement (AAS) Exercise

Get step-by-step guidance, FAQs and other information about the AAS exercise as well as supporting information for staff involved in the preparation of Remuneration Reports for the AAS exercise. 

Defined Contributions and Joining the Scheme

Defined Contributions

Defined Contributions

Learn more about the Civil Service Pensions defined contribution (DC) pension schemes and what your responsibilities are.

Apply to join the scheme

Apply to join the scheme

Guidance for employers looking to join the scheme under either Section 1 of the Superannuation Act 1972 or the New Fair Deal Policy.

17 December 2021
Last updated:
27 June 2024