
  • Pension leads
  • HR managers
  • Communications managers


  • To note the date of Pension Awareness Week (PAW) 2024.
  • To advise members to save the date and pre-register now.
  • To encourage your staff to participate and increase their pension knowledge.


  • PAW is a five-day event to help members understand and value their Civil Service pension and plan for retirement.
  • Members can join daily webinars led by pension experts via Microsoft Teams at 12 pm each day.
  • Catch-up videos will be available on the scheme website.
  • More details about PAW will be shared in an upcoming EPN.


  • Immediate


  • PAW will be from Monday, 16th to Friday, 20th September.
  • A further EPN will be issued in the coming weeks when registration opens. This will include details of what the webinars will cover and promotional materials for employers to use.
  • Members can pre-register now to be notified when registration opens.

PAW pre-registration

  • Webinars are free but have limited places, and are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Pre-registered members will be notified as soon as registration opens and will have first choice of sessions before they fill up.
  • Pre-register here: Pension Awareness Week 2024 Pre-registration

Improvements to this year’s booking process

  • Booking confirmation emails now include an iCalendar (ICS) file to save webinars to calendars, reducing the likelihood of a diary conflict.


If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs, or would like to receive them in a different format, please contact

You can find electronic copies of the Employer Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms in the Employer section of the Civil Service Pensions website.

This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members.

Members can find information about their pension by visiting the member's section

30 June 2024
Last updated:
30 June 2024