This notice is for staff involved in the preparation of Remuneration Reports required for the Annual Resource Accounts exercise. It will be of particular interest to:
Please note; the format of the Annex 13A has been changed. The same information is being requested but there are a number of validation checks built in to the form to ensure that correct information is being submitted.
All employers to be aware that the Resource Account calculations are based on gross pay only which does not include scheme pays, pension sharing orders or Remedy rectification.
If employers have not provided their interface data as at January 2023, these calculations will potentially be subject to missing the 30 June deadline.
If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs or would like to receive them in a different format, please contact
You can find electronic copies of the Employer Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms in the Employer section of the Civil Service Pensions website.
This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members.
Members can find information about their pension by visiting the member's section.