
  • Internal communication leads
  • Pensions Leads
  • HR Managers
  • Managers


To work with Communications communication leads and colleagues to promote the Member Engagement Survey to employees and encourage them to complete it.

To add a link to the Member Engagement Survey to intranets, noticeboards and include it in any internal staff communications/notices.




We want to ensure the information we provide, and how we provide it, empowers members to understand their benefits and make informed decisions about their financial future, no matter what stage of life they're at.

The Member Engagement Survey gives members an opportunity to share their views and feedback about the scheme, how we provide information to them and what they'd like to see in future.

This year, we've included some new questions designed to gain useful insight into members' interests, behaviours and priorities.

All the feedback we receive is appreciated and will help us to continue shaping and improving the service we provide.

It takes around five minutes to complete, and members will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win £100 Love 2 Shop vouchers, as a thank you.

The survey is available here. It closes on Thursday 31 March 2022.


If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs, or would like to receive them in a different format, please contact

You can find electronic copies of the Employer Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms in the Employer section of the Civil Service Pensions website.

This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members.

Members can find information about their pension by visiting the member's section.


17 February 2022
Last updated:
24 April 2023