This EPN details the revised performance measures and targets to help you monitor and improve the timeliness and data quality of your monthly interface submissions (for Manual and Standard interfaces only).
The new performance measures and targets will take effect from 1 January 2019.
Performance measures and targets
The performance measures and targets have been in place for almost 12 months (from January 2018) and have had a positive impact on the data quality received by the Scheme Administrator. Their purpose is to help you to improve the timeliness and quality of monthly data submissions by clearly outlining what we expect of you and reporting to you on how you are performing. The measures largely formalise the process that already exists in terms of submission timeliness, but we will also ask you to meet a data quality target of no more than 1% errors in your interface data.
The performance measures and targets are as follows:
The Scheme Administrator will monitor your performance against the measures and targets. They will continue to provide reporting and will expect you to meet the new target from February 2019 (for your January 2019 interface). Where you are unable to meet these targets, the Scheme Administrator will continue to offer guidance and support, and if necessary, work with you to create a remediation plan to improve your performance. However, further escalation through Cabinet Office may be required where performance measures are not met.
If you are concerned that you will not be able to meet the new performance targets and measures, please contact your Interface Analyst or Employer Relationship Manager.
Support from your Interface Analyst
To address validation issues in-month, or discuss the performance measures and targets, you should contact your Interface Analyst at
Guidance for developers
We have updated the Developer’s Guide and produced a scenarios document that sets out examples on how to complete the Standard Monthly Interface.
If a third party provides your Monthly Interface, you will need to make sure the guidance is available to them.
You can request a copy of the guidance by emailing
If you require any further assistance on the content of this EPN, please contact:
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You can find electronic copies of the Employers’ Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms on our website under ‘Employers’.
This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members.
If members have a question about their pension they can find information at: