1. We have made the following changes to the disputes, appeals and complaints process:
2. Nominated complaints contact
We will be asking all employers to nominate a complaints contact. In the event of an IDR complaint, MyCSP or Cabinet Office will contact this individual directly, which will support the speedy resolution of member complaints.
3. We will contact you in early January to request the contact details of your nominated complaints person. If you are unable to provide a nominated complaints contact, MyCSP will use your pension lead by default. You can update your complaints contact at any time by contacting your SDM.
4. Complaint Request form
The introduction of a new Complaint Request form will enable the capture of important information about a member’s complaint. The complaint request form will help MyCSP or Cabinet Office to understand why the complaint has arisen. The form should include:
5. In the event of an Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR), MyCSP will issue the form to your nominated complaints contact. They will need to complete it and return it to MyCSP or Cabinet Office within ten working days from the date of issue.
6. If the form cannot be completed and returned within ten working days, you will need to notify your case handler at MyCSP or Cabinet Office as soon as possible.
7. Support
We have updated the disputes, appeals and complaints page in the Employer Pension Guidance (EPG) to reflect the changes to the new process. Here, you will be able to find the following useful information.
8. The EPG update also includes guidance on how to deal with Pensions Ombudsman cases.
9. Usually, the Cabinet Office will respond to Pensions Ombudsman appeals as they complete the second stage IDR decision.
However, there may be circumstances when you may be required to provide information or make a decision about whether to take further action to resolve a member’s complaint.
You may also be named, as a party to the appeal, depending on whether the member feels the employer needs to put matters right.
Contacts If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs or you need to receive them in a different format contact employerpensionnotice@cabinetoffice.gov.uk You can find electronic copies of the Employers’ Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms on our website www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk under ‘Employers’. This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members. If members have a question about their pension they can find information at: |