Date posted: 02/04/2014

Audience: This notice will be of interest to: 

  • HR Manager; and 
  • Pension Leads


  • To read and use the Employer Readiness Guide at Annex A
  • To read and use the Employer Project Plan at Annex B
  • To complete the April Readiness Self-Assessment  at Annex C

Timing: Immediate

  1. Employers who attended the engagement events we ran in March received the documents at Annexes A, B and C in the joining instructions.
  2. This suite of documents will help you plan and prepare to meet your responsibilities in implementing the 2015 pension scheme. You should use the Self-Assessment document to record your current state of readiness.
  3. The first Self-Assessment was due to be completed by 10 April 2014. Thank you to those who have returned your Self-Assessments.
  4. We have learned that some employers are unaware of the Self-Assessment documents that were communicated at the events and in the Readiness Employer Pension Notice  Guide. Therefore, the return deadline has been extended until Thursday 17 April 2014.
  5. If you have not completed and returned your Self-Assessment please do so immediately via email to:
  6. Nil returns will be automatically recorded as a Red RAG status in view of the criticality of employers meeting the 2015 requirements. This may result in escalation to your HR/Finance Director, as per the formal Employer Readiness process (attached).
  7. If you have any questions about the Self-Assessment process you should contact us using the email address above. 2015 Pension Changes Employer Readiness Process


If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs or you need to receive them in a different format contact


2 April 2014
Last updated:
24 April 2023