Date posted: 01/12/2007

Audience: HR Managers and Payroll Managers

Action: To report, to your APAC, progress on your nuvos payroll interface development and to note arrangements for running the 07- 08 nuvos year-end process for pensionable earnings balance. To note you will be expected to attend a workshop at your APAC if you do not have, or may not have, a working nuvos payroll interface by 31 March 2008

Timing: Immediate


  1. EPN180 reminded you of your responsibilities for managing the payroll changes your payroll provider must make for the new Civil Service pension arrangements (nuvos). The changes are to record details of members in nuvos and to send pensionable earnings amounts through the interface to PenServer, the scheme administration software used by your APAC.
  2. This EPN asks you to inform your APAC whether or not you will have a working payroll interface to your APAC by 31st March 2008 for nuvos members. If your payroll will not have a working nuvos interface by 31 March 2008 you will need to attend a workshop at your APAC to explain how to use the manual interface process and spreadsheet we will be providing to you. This is so you can give your APAC the relevant and accurate data it needs to run the year-end process and produce benefit statements for the year-end balance for your nuvos members.
  3. Your attendance at the workshop is required if you are at risk of not having a working nuvos interface by 31 March 2008. This applies to you if either your nuvos payroll interface development is not working by 31 March 2008, or an automated development is not cost effective for you.

Payroll interface development

  1. EPN159 and 180 reminded you of your responsibilities in managing the payroll interface development to handle nuvos. We have been reviewing progress with individual employers and through APACs.
  2. We are currently updating where you are on your nuvos interface development through our own APAC contacts. But we need to know if you have specific issues which are a risk to your APAC running the year-end process. If you are having problems in getting your nuvos interface live please contact Taz Poullais here on 01256 846451 ( ) by 14th December 2007.

nuvos year-end process

  1. Your nuvos payroll development changes must be in place so that your payroll can send details of nuvos members to your APAC for the scheme year ending 31 March 2008 (the nuvos scheme year runs from 1 April to 31 March). This is because nuvos is different from the final salary sections of the Civil Service pension scheme (classic, classic plus and premium) in that there is a distinct year-end process which involves striking a balance on the account, calculating and adding “interest” and producing a benefit statement. This means that no changes can be made to pensionable earnings after the nuvos scheme year ends.
  2. The year-end balance must not be processed without 07-08 pensionable earnings data on PenServer. For those employers with a live nuvos payroll interface, the year-end process will be run after the last payroll interface is run for data to 31 March 2008, probably in April. For those employers without a working nuvos interface, the manual interface process will have to be used so that the year-end balance can be struck, the year end processing completed and benefit statements produced.

Manual interface process

  1. You will have to use the manual interface process if either your nuvos payroll interface development is not working by 31 March 2008, or an automated development is not cost effective for you. This will involve you populating a spreadsheet with details of nuvos members at 31 March 2008 and sending it to your APAC.
  2. Workshops will be arranged at your APAC to explain how the manual interface process works. Dates of these workshops will be sent to all employers and all employers that do not have an automated interface which includes nuvos members will be expected to attend. All employers must then populate the spreadsheet and return it their APAC by 15 May 2008.


This document refers to EPN159 and EPN180


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01256 846414
Employer Helpdesk
Civil Service Pensions
Grosvenor House
Basing View
RG21 4HG

1 December 2007
Last updated:
24 April 2023