The CSAVCS allowed members of classic, classic plus, premium, nuvos and alpha to contribute to an investment scheme with a financial institution to provide additional retirement benefits.
The statutory CSAVCS was closed to new members with effect from 31 August 2018. The providers were:
Please note: Members with Equitable Life who are eligible for Protected Life Cover or guaranteed benefits from a with-profits fund investment can continue to contribute.
Members who benefit from guarantees or special terms, or who opt-out of the CSAVCS transfer exercise, will be allowed to retain their existing pension pot within the scheme. They cannot contribute to the scheme (unless they are a member of Equitable Life).
The CSAVCS offers flexibility for the member to:
CSAVCS contributions receive tax relief, subject to HMRC limits.
From 1 September 2018 members of classic, classic plus, premium, nuvos and alpha were able to make additional voluntary contributions through a new arrangement with Legal & General.
The Legal & General Micro-site provides further details:
If you receive a request from a staff member to join the AVC scheme and you do not currently participate in the AVC section, you will need to submit a request to participate immediately. The procedure can be found on the Legal and GeneraL DC Procedure Library.
The CSCS provides compensation for civil servants whose employment is terminated under the following categories:
The CSCS covers most employees, including those who have opted out of the CSP arrangements.
It also provides compensation for civil servants on fixed-term appointments in certain circumstances.
As the employer, you must meet the full costs of benefits paid under the CSCS (including early payment of pensions).
See Section 6.3 Early departure and ill health for more information about the categories of early departure and when they can be used.
Injury Benefit is paid to civil servants who suffer a 'qualifying injury' while on duty, which reduces their earning capacity.
The CSIBS covers all civil servants, including employees who are not in the CSP arrangements.
As an employer, you must meet the full costs of any injury that occurs after 1 April 1998.
See Section 5 Your responsibilities when staff are in service for more information on the CSIBS.
The Partnership Pension Death Benefits Arrangements provides lump sum death benefits to the dependants of those with a partnership pension account.
These benefits are provided under Schedule 4 of the Public Service (Civil Servants and Others) Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2014.
The Partnership Pension Account Ill-Health Benefits Arrangements provide a lump sum to those with a partnership pension account if they are retired on ill-health grounds.
These benefits are provided under Schedule 3 of the Public Service (Civil Servants and Others) Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2014.
Prior to 1 June 2018, staff who were not eligible to join the CSP arrangements could open a designated stakeholder pension account. This was also open as a ‘top up’ to members belonging to one of the main CSP arrangements.
The stakeholder pension scheme was closed to new members with effect from 1 June 2018 and to existing members from 1 September 2018.
Members now have the option to join the AVC scheme and have the option to transfer their existing standalone benefits to that scheme.